Sunday lectures came a little too soon, but never the less slightly hung over Paul (M0TZO) and myself made it in time for breakfast to coat our stomachs ready for another day! First lecture attended was Technology and Operating Procedures at VP6DX by Eric Scace K3NA, this provided in insight of what needs to be planned before doing the trip, as this makes sure the trip is successful.

I then took an hour out and had an interesting chat with Eric K3NA (more on that soon maybe), and finalised my short talk about DXAnywere for the Ham 2.0 session. it also allowed me to stock up on mugs of hot chocolate!

The next set of lectures was a double stream by Dom (M0BLF) on Ham 2.0 – sharing amateur radio information across the Internet. which gave an in sight to Web 2.0 and what it can offer amateur radio he also put in a couple of short presentations by Michael G7VJR on Club Log which is a tool for producing DXCC league tables, log search services and most-wanted lists for ham radio clubs and societies.

I then followed up with a short presentation about DXAnywhere which is a Social Media engine to provide features which include cluster notification, social networking and mini applications.

Dx Anywhere Talk Hfc

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ham radio)

After this we returned to the bar for a short period to grab some lunch and a drink before getting ready for the afternoon lecture by John Gould G3WKL on Update on Countering Deliberate QRM, to finish up the weekend there was the final farewell from the RSGB President and the Raffle Draw. It was good to see it wasn’t fixed when Janet (2E0LLM) got called out (Well done Janet!!).

Which finally concluded a fantastic weekend yet again and very much looking forward to next year, was also nice to see a slightly larger turn out of young people!